Josam Laser Alignment Technology
It is proven commercial vehicles with accurate wheel alignment benefit from increased tyre life through even wear together with remarkable reductions on fuel usage. To ensure we can provide our customers with the opportunity to benefit from the evolving technology we have enlisted the support of Josam the market leader in chassis and vehicle alignment systems. We have purchased the Josam robust & accurate laser wheel alignment system designed specifically for the commercial vehicle market and completed the intense training programme necessary to ensure our application meets the high standards of accuracy the equipment is proven to deliver.
So why should you have wheel alignment checked?
- IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY – Poor wheel alignment increases the rolling resistance of tyres. About 30% of a vehicles fuel is used to overcome the tyres rolling resistance and just a small amount of mis alignment can increase fuel consumption dramatically. Savings of up to 5% have already been proven with some operators claiming more depending on vehicle operations.
- MAXIMISE TYRE LIFE – Poor wheel alignment causes uneven tyre wear resulting in premature tyre replacement and increased vehicle running costs. Customers who have added this service to their maintenance programme have already reported a 30% increase in tyre life making the wheel alignment service self funding.
- REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT – CO2 emissions are the prime greenhouse gas responsible for global warming and the industry is increasingly being asked to consider their environmental impact. As CO2 emissions are directly proportional to fuel consumption, having the wheels of your commercial vehicle aligned by First Truck & Van can have an immediate impact in reducing total carbon emissions.
Contact us today and start saving your business money!
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